Monday, February 18, 2013


My second day in New York was wildly hot. :D

We visited the amazing Empire State Building. The view was just breath taking and we got to the top of the building faster then any other person there. Apparently having a baby carriage doesn't only help you get ahead in line in airports but also in all sorts of sightseeings.

We were looking for Wall Street all day...we went up and down the 5th Avenue and Broadway street. By the way the cute street with sitting area and plants and stuff was Broadway street and it was just supper chill and cute!

Note the amazing house of Desigual. :D Mom's favorite...

There was some kinda yoga thing on the day on Time Square and there was thousands of people participating.

So after that we headed up to Central Park and decided to go back to Apple store. I stayed behind to see what was all the fuzz infront of the Paris theater. And guess what. There was a movie premier featuring Ellen Page and Penelope Cruz. Even managed to see the last lady mentioned. :D

The next part in the video is a bit too confusing I suppose. Basically there was this thing I've never faced with. Doing the deal in Apple store went down like this: you can purchase your thing in the middle of the room cause the seller has a special case on their iphone. He just pulls through your credit card and the check goes to your email.
I find it cool. xD

Central Park is a total zoo and I don't mean the zoo part. :D
I saw there some glowing bugs, raccoons, squirrels, weasels, ducks, other really interesting birds and huge rats.

- Carol

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