Saturday, March 14, 2015

Hair talk

I just realised I've never confronted my short hair issue here!

See many of my friends were shocked to hear that I cut my hair off. I've never planned on cutting my hair off, not really! And every time I had to chop off just a bit more then usual because of damages or sth, I was pouring silent tears and waiting it to grow back as fast as possible.

Now last year a day before my birthday (29th of July) I decided to do it. I had though about it for few months by that time. I don't regret the decision but I want to be really clear here. I only cut my hair because it was damaged beyond repair.(and yes I did it myself, I've cut my hair and bangs before many many times and I was dying and cutting Helena's hair turning Oz too) Australia's heath and weather had killed my hair. I was working on a farm for 3 months with out having any time to take care of my hair or skin. And the heath was unbearable at one point. And then I went pretty much straight to mountains working in a ski resort for the season. So all that added up and there was no other way out.

SO like I said I don't regret doing it because I only did it so my hair could grow out again but healthy this time. I mean I've done some bad decisions along the way but I'm trying to keep the treatments up so I could grow my hair long and beautiful again. Like it was few years ago! :D

Few years ago:

Before cutting:

After cutting:

I'm pretty happy or at least I was back then!
Now I'm just getting a bit impatient here!  :D
I hope you like it too and if you guys have any good tips on how to grow your hair faster you can let me know in the comments. I would love that!

Until next time,
- Carol


  1. Ingli Pai some kind of hair oil, that makes your hair grow faster. And I really love Davines products, but these are more for making your hair stronger, but also grow faster.
