Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Vlog: Czech and Poland trip part 1

Class trip to Poland and Czech Republic (photo diary couple of posts back)

- Vlog starts in front of my school where June's vlog ended
- I know I'm still always out of focus when I film myself....cuz I can't really see it from the screen...not that well at least
- For some reason through out this trip I had to doubt in some of the English words...they just sounded odd or off at the beginning...like ostrich and fort xD
- The song is btw this trip's song...so when ever I hear it I'll always remember good stuff from it :3
- I can't begin to tell you how sorry I am that I didn't go to those ''sand hills''....I was feeling sick so I stayed in the bus since it was also raining really badly and that's why you didn't see picture of it here and clips in the video....but when I saw pictures of it later on I was reallyreally upset.
- The reason why I always mention the weather is because weather sets my mood and my mood sets limits to things I'm willing to do just for fun.

- Carol

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